The IELTS hearing test comes first, and many candidates find it difficult, sometimes even frustrating. The IELTS listening task tests a variety of skills and many find it challenging. There are many ways to prepare for this part of the IELTS exam . For example, there are many practice tapes and CD sets in the commercial market. While all of these are somewhat helpful, you can be sure that none of them will be the IELTS hearing test you take. The good news is that the best forms of IELTS listening practice are available for free, or at least easily and cheaply. They are even more fun. They are radio, TV, and movies! If you have access to an English-language radio or TV station, listen to it as often as possible. The benefits are many. - You become familiar with different types of accents and individual ways of speaking - You get the rhythm of English sentences spoken in your ears - You will become more familiar with the pronunciation of native English words - You start listening to...